halloween 2009
When my kids were little, I could always talk them into the Halloween costumes I wanted (which usually involved a cute part for Dad to play as well). But they're getting older, and who knew a 3 year old and 5 year old whould have such strong opinions! So although they already dressed up as Peter Pan a few years back, the kids had their hearts set on being characters from Peter Pan yet again. And the characters they chose made both my husband and I laugh. C wanted to be the crocodile, and Bee wanted to be Captain Hook. How could I object?
Luckily we still had a set of green pajamas that C could wear for his crocodile costume. Props to my husband for engineering the crocodile mouth, we always work on these costumes together and to be honest, he's really the brains behind the operation. The stuffed snout has a wire hanger sewn inside and is attached to a baseball cap so C could wear it like a hat. Add some crocodile eyes and some teeth, and you're all set.
For Bee's Captain Hook costume, we already had the perfect red coat and the black wig (from when her dad was Captain Hook). I turned her pink pajama pants inside out, added a feather to a pirate hat, and fashioned a belt out of felt to house her sword. Bee spent the night yelling things like "Wendy! Walk the plank!" or "I'll get that Peter Pan!" and correcting people who called her a pirate, "Um, I'm not just a pirate, I'm Captain Hook!" For Bee, Halloween is very serious business.
Another Halloween come and gone. Last night the kids were already brainstorming costumes for next year. "I'll be Willy Wonka and you can be Charlie!" "You be James and I'll be the Giant Peach!" I can't wait to see what they come up with next.
Reader Comments (29)
Your kids are very creative! Don't you love that they are out of the box thinkers?! I'm so impressed with that croc costume, it's perfect!
adorable!! you and your husband do a great job!!
Such great costumes! I was inspired by your retrospective as well. That owl was amazing.
My kids have already planned the next 4 Halloween costumes! I am sure it will change many times though. No matter what, it is always fun to see what they come up with.
This year, one of mine was a sea lion!
They are adorable! My children also started brainstorming last night for costumes next year!
Love the costumes! I have to tell you, Brooke, your blog is easily one of my very favorites. I love the ideas you give, and the fact that they're not overwhelming. Just my style. :)
"You be James and I'll be the giant peach!" made me laugh so much! How cute. Love the costumes too!
the costumes look great..
how fun! for halloween this year we stayed home and watched hook :)
I so agree about losing control once the kids get older. My nine year old son was Abraham Lincoln this year and he's decided that next year he's going to be a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader. Kids!
OMG!!! they look kick ass and i love'em sooooo bad!!!!
Awesome!! I loved reading about how you created your costumes really inspiring!! thanx!!
love the crocodile!!
It's funny, I was thinking the opposite about my 7 month old... that I can't wait until she DOES have an opinion! The grass is always greener!
She dressed up as batgirl and I made my stepson a reversible cape, inspired by the cape that your boy got for his birthday. I got the idea reading Katie Did! :)
Anyway, your kids are too cute. And how lucky you are to have a husband who sews too!
I am trying to think of how you would do a giant peach... seriously, these were AWE-some. Totally creative kiddos...and parents...you should be proud!
Brooke! Your kids always have the cutest costumes! I will never forget your little Owl running around the chili cook off:)
Where is JR in a Tinkerbell costume?
Those are some very impressive costumes. I bet they had a lot of fun in them, didn't they?
I love, love, love the crocodile costume! -and who could resist a 3 year old captain hook? Adorable :-)
perfect. that croc is so fantastic.