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fabric scrap memory game

I promised a few more ideas using the technique from Jen + Ray's escort cards. One of our favorite games is Memory, we play it all the time. So why not make your own memory game using scraps of your favorite fabrics.

You'll need to dig through your scrap bin and find fabrics with a nice small repeat. I threw in a few solids as well. Try not to choose two fabrics that are very similar (you wouldn't want to pick a blue dot and a teal dot that could be mistaken for each other during the game). Print this template (each page will make 10 cards or 5 pairs) and follow the directions here to make your cards. 

The version I made has 30 cards (or 15 pairs) which is about perfect for my 4 year old (but a little challenging for Bee, who is almost 3). You can make the game harder or easier by adding or taking away pairs. I hope your little ones love it as much as mine do. When Bee plays, she says "Oooh!" when she flips over each square.

Disclaimer: I debated about laminating my cards to make them a little more durable, but then you lose the fabric texture which is really half the fun. If you pay careful attention when you are making them to spread your glue to all the edges and really press them together, I think your cards will last for quite a while. (Unless you leave them unsupervised with your 2 year old.. then all bets are off!)

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Reader Comments (61)

I love this idea!! Now I need to go find a round punch.

To make the fabric a little more durable, you could do a good ole bookbinding trick and fuse the fabric with ultra-hold heat 'n bond to the back paper, then glue the top piece with some nice PVA glue. You'd have to press the cards for 24 hours, though.

01.12.2009 | Unregistered CommenterMelissa

Adorable! My 2yo son mastered the touch-screen memory game at Ikea in nanoseconds the other day, so this will be a bit more of a challenge for him! Might use paper though so can laminate without missing the tactile feature!

01.12.2009 | Unregistered CommenterBelinda


01.12.2009 | Unregistered CommenterSara

this is great!

i know just the person who needs this for a gift. thanks!

01.12.2009 | Unregistered Commenterlynne

What a simple and wonderful idea! It's a game I would love to play as much as my little niece...I would be the one flipping over the cards and saying "ooooh" ;)

01.12.2009 | Unregistered CommenterKate

I love it! Love a game of Memory! And I have the punch so I'm off punching right this minute!

01.12.2009 | Unregistered CommenterBenita

I would love to modify this idea to create Valentine Cards for my 4 year old to pass out to her little buddies. Do you know if they sell heart punches?

01.12.2009 | Unregistered Commenteramylinn

Okay that is too too cute! I wish I still had little ones to play this game. Do you think my 16 yr old would be up for it? Love ALL your designs!

01.12.2009 | Unregistered Commenterpamela

They do sell heart punches.. I just bought a few different sizes. Stay tuned later this week for some Valentine ideas!

01.12.2009 | Registered CommenterBrooke

Beautiful, and brilliant idea!

01.12.2009 | Unregistered CommenterLecia

I have such a lot of scraps from patchwork and grand children .i'll try it .i'm so pleased when i find a way to use material .Y.S

01.13.2009 | Unregistered CommenterBusir

How pretty! My 2yo and I made memory cards yesterday ourselves, but they aren't nearly as pretty as yours!

01.13.2009 | Unregistered CommenterHeather

i run my own little preschool and we made this game yesterday! thanks for the great idea! the kids are loving it more since they helped make the game!

01.13.2009 | Unregistered Commenteramysue

Thanks for the idea!
My daughter (5) and I made a set today.
So fun.

01.13.2009 | Unregistered Commenterjess

Ah, fantastic! we literally just finished a round of Memory. I love your fabric card idea and the texture is wonderful. We had grand plans of assembling our own Memory game out of photographs my daughter took as a Christmas present for her little sister but, alas, we never got around to it...go figure :)

01.13.2009 | Unregistered Commentermichelle

I love this idea! I am going to use my xyron to stick them together. That should keep me from having to laminate for sure!

01.14.2009 | Unregistered CommenterJamie

such a cute idea!!

01.14.2009 | Unregistered Commenterkama

I love this. You inspire.

01.14.2009 | Unregistered CommenterAli

this is gorgeous!

01.14.2009 | Unregistered Commenterrebecca

What an adorable idea! Thank you for sharing!!!

01.14.2009 | Unregistered CommenterJessica

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