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magical thinking

Children say the funniest things, yet all too often, I seem to forget them after a day or two.  I'll start telling my husband.. "C said the funniest thing..." and then I can't quite remember. Or I get it a little mixed up and it's not nearly as funny as I remember.

So I started writing down the funnier moments of the day. I keep a jar on my desk, and when the kids say something particularly worthy of recording, I grab a scrap of paper (phone bill, envelope, chopstick holder.. whatever is lying around) and I quickly jot it down. I read about Joan Didion doing something similar when her daughter was a young girl in The Year of Magical Thinking.

The jar is filling up quickly, and when I'm having a below average day, I reach in and pull out a quote.. and suddenly I'm laughing and running to hug my little comedians.

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Reader Comments (162)

I love love love this idea! So many times I've laughed at little sayings my girls come up with and then I forget them. This would be a wonderful keepsake! I just came across your blog a couple of days ago and adore it! Your photos are absolutely beautiful and I enjoy reading your entries. Thanks :)

03.24.2009 | Unregistered Commenterhappymommyof2

I don't have children yet, but I'm tucking this idea away for future use.

05.8.2009 | Unregistered Commenteralli michelle

This is like the best idea I ever saw.
With my kid getting really good at making things funny and me always forgetting.
This is gonna be a wonderfull way to solve the forgetting problem.
So your thinking jar just made it into another country, since I've never saw it on Dutch blogs.
I just have an empty candyjar that would be perfect for this..

06.6.2009 | Unregistered Commenterlotte

what a fun tactile way to stay in touch..hah unexpected pun :)

11.11.2009 | Unregistered CommenterElliott Crane

LOVE the magical thinking jar. Gonna make one of my own, right away!

11.24.2009 | Unregistered Commenterandrea joseph

what a lovely idea! -M

01.8.2010 | Unregistered Commentermolly

I love this idea. Since my kids are older (10 and 14) and say cutely funny things a bit less often, I think I will skew the idea just a bit and keep a jar on my desk, along with some small pieces of paper and a pen.

Then, as I come across things I should be thankful for, I'll jot them down. I think seeing those scraps of gratitude amass will be magical, too!

I don't even have kids and even I think this is a great thing. At work (a cafe) we write down the stupid or just plain weird things that customers say and sometimes even draw cartoons to go with it.
For example...

Customer- "Do you do exploding cakes?"
"Exploding cakes?"

(We figured out later she meant cakes that people jump out of- maybe?)

01.11.2010 | Unregistered CommenterAlexandra

So wish I read your wonderful idea when my 22 year old was a baby. Let's just say my memory hasn't improved with age! Of course, my daughter still does things to make me smile on a very frequent basis. I think I'll start a jar now.

01.11.2010 | Unregistered Commentergayleg

just came across your blog via purlbee. and wanted to let you know how much i love this idea. I tried to maintain diary for the same. but insted of diary this much more interesting way. thanx for such a cuite idea. :)

01.18.2010 | Unregistered Commentershinu

how sweet.

01.28.2010 | Unregistered CommenterILikePaperCutting

Love this idea Brooke - so adorable! Kudos on your blog - it's very inspiring! Nice to see you doing well! xo

02.1.2010 | Unregistered CommenterKelli

Arrived here via Dandelion Mom via Tasty Kitchen. Lovely idea....I've posted the link to FB and am headed to rummage for a jar! Awfully pretty site too!

02.12.2010 | Unregistered CommenterCyn

Hi! I know I've already shared how much I love your blog, but I just wanted to let you know that I created my own memory jar and posted about it ( http://torriesessions.blogspot.com/ )...and included a link to your post and blog:). Thank you so much for the inspiration.

Hi, my husband has to travel a lot because of his job, so it's a little difficult for him to be "up-to-date", you know. We practiced this and it's been a wonderful idea. Right we're so happy, that he is buying generic viagra every weekend!

09.1.2010 | Unregistered CommenterSussan

Just found this site and thought this idea was lovely! I have started my own jar and am so happy to have a sweet place to put quotes from my boys. It looks pretty too! Thanks for sharing! I've linked this on my facebook page as well!

11.20.2010 | Unregistered CommenterChristina

Just came across thsi post via Pinterest....Love the idea and love your blog. So glad I found it. Can't wait to start my jar today! :)

07.16.2011 | Unregistered CommenterJessica

I love this idea! No kids of my own, but I'll have to do it with my class at school.

I just came across this on Pinterest and Love this idea. Thank you for sharing it.

Wow. I came across this on pinterest and love it. I try to keep a journal but often don't go grab it. This is beautiful. I hope it's okay if I repost on my blog! Thank you for a wonderful idea.

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