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magical thinking

Children say the funniest things, yet all too often, I seem to forget them after a day or two.  I'll start telling my husband.. "C said the funniest thing..." and then I can't quite remember. Or I get it a little mixed up and it's not nearly as funny as I remember.

So I started writing down the funnier moments of the day. I keep a jar on my desk, and when the kids say something particularly worthy of recording, I grab a scrap of paper (phone bill, envelope, chopstick holder.. whatever is lying around) and I quickly jot it down. I read about Joan Didion doing something similar when her daughter was a young girl in The Year of Magical Thinking.

The jar is filling up quickly, and when I'm having a below average day, I reach in and pull out a quote.. and suddenly I'm laughing and running to hug my little comedians.

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Reader Comments (162)

What a sweet idea! {Methinks I could even set up a jar of funny moments that my husband and family randomly come up with, since we have no kiddos yet.} Thanks for posting {found via Cookie's blog}.

09.22.2008 | Unregistered Commenterdiana

I wish I had of done this with my daughter she is 14 now, but its never too late I'm going to remenber all the funny thngs she would say to make us laugh and put them into a jar.

I have also passed this idea onto my sister as her children are yong and I'm sure they will come out with some funny things!

09.23.2008 | Unregistered CommenterDeborah

Brilliant idea. Recently we flew to California and on the plane the announcer said (after all the emergency info),"Our crew will be around to answer any questions you may have." My three year old looks at me very seriously and says,"Mom, I have questions". This was a recent forgotten story (until my mom remembered for me), but now it will go in the jar;)

09.23.2008 | Unregistered CommenterPatricia

What a witty idea. I would love to start doing something like this with my daughter. Thanks for the inspiration.

09.23.2008 | Unregistered CommenterCaroline

I just skipped over here from Sarah Jane Studios because she blogged about this idea. I love it! Now I just have to find a perfect jar. This would be such a fun thing to give your kids when they leave home...or not since that's what you would want to remember them by. Great idea!

09.28.2008 | Unregistered CommenterNicole

SUCH a sweet idea! And I love your photography. It is so full of...light.

09.28.2008 | Unregistered Commenteramanda

This is such a simple and wonderful idea that is doable. I used to keep a journal but at the end of the day I would forget so many things I meant to write. So this is perfect.

I linked to this page on my blog. I hope you dont mind. Thanks so much. Your blog is just lovely.



So love this idea..I pulled out a Mason jar to start it myself. Such a good solution to that nagging problem I have of not having a specific place to put in writing the fabulous things my kids say

Thanks for the tip!

10.11.2008 | Unregistered CommenterSommer

I'm not sure how I got here but I'm glad I found this entry of yours! I fell in love with this idea. Thank you for sharing it! I started it tonight! It's so perfect. I already have some stuff noted down. :)

10.30.2008 | Unregistered CommenterKimmie

I was just reminded again of your magical jar ...imagine the joy at their 21st when I pull them out !

01.24.2009 | Unregistered CommenterTrish

Found you via Purl Soho. What a fabulously simple idea! I can't wait to start doing this!

02.7.2009 | Unregistered CommenterKristin

Nifty idea about putting these in a jar and keeping them around you! I post all of my kids' funny comments on my blog. I call them "isms" -- as in a Faithism is when my daughter, Faith, says something particularly funny. I started listing them on my blog when my husband was deployed to Iraq the first time. I could never remember all of the funny things the kids said during the day, but wanted him to have some of the same knowledge of the kids!

02.9.2009 | Unregistered CommenterMelissa F

This is cool. I made a little note book for my friend a couple of years back to put all the funny things her daughter says into...it cracks me up sometimes what little minds say. That is great that other people had the same idea and that your jar is spreading!

02.10.2009 | Unregistered CommenterSue

My husband (Grandpa) was moving sprinklers here this morning with grandaughter 18ths in tow. Grandpa asked grandaughter what is the sprinkler doing and her reply was "Rain Machine" Grandpa"!

02.13.2009 | Unregistered CommenterNanna Lesley

I am starting the jar thingie straight away.

02.13.2009 | Unregistered CommenterNanna Lesley

Love this idea! I am jotting these down in my moleskine calendar for kids (together with scribblings from them and occasional pictures). But this is also a tactile and visual treat! Thanks for sharing!

02.25.2009 | Unregistered Commentermoline/yvonne

I am linking this post on my blog. This is such a great suggestion of how to keep track of the "kidspeak." I wrote down a few funny lines from time to time over many years of motherhood, and they are the only ones I remember. I wish I'd written down more.

02.26.2009 | Unregistered CommenterTravelinOma

This is such a cool idea. It would also be useful in the context of a "gratitude jar." You can write down individual things that you're grateful for and put them in the jar. When you're having a hard day, pull out one or two slips of paper to remind yourself of the good things that you have in your life.

02.27.2009 | Unregistered CommenterMelanie

Oh, such priceless comments...and such a great idea to keep them all in a jar :)

03.9.2009 | Unregistered Commentertrishiekoh

hi! i just came across your blog. what a GREAT idea! i too forget all the cute things my two year old says, but have dreams of remembering them forever. thanks for this idea to help keep them in one spot. children are a blessing from the lord.

03.15.2009 | Unregistered Commenterhilary

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