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magical thinking

Children say the funniest things, yet all too often, I seem to forget them after a day or two.  I'll start telling my husband.. "C said the funniest thing..." and then I can't quite remember. Or I get it a little mixed up and it's not nearly as funny as I remember.

So I started writing down the funnier moments of the day. I keep a jar on my desk, and when the kids say something particularly worthy of recording, I grab a scrap of paper (phone bill, envelope, chopstick holder.. whatever is lying around) and I quickly jot it down. I read about Joan Didion doing something similar when her daughter was a young girl in The Year of Magical Thinking.

The jar is filling up quickly, and when I'm having a below average day, I reach in and pull out a quote.. and suddenly I'm laughing and running to hug my little comedians.

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Reader Comments (162)

Thanks for the great idea - by the way - do you use photoshop tp make such a great collage?

09.11.2008 | Unregistered Commenterlulu

This is the best idea. I'm going out tomorrow to get a beautiful jar and begin this tradition. I especially love the idea of dipping into it randomly when missing the kids, needing a good laugh or general cheering up. Thanks for this!

09.11.2008 | Unregistered CommenterHeather

That's a gorgeous idea. Sorry but I'm going to steal your idea and do the same thing - my kids say the most random funny stuff sometimes and would love to llok back and remember (particularly as my brain is like a seive after having the last one). :)

09.12.2008 | Unregistered CommenterSara Bradshaw

hi there,

we posted about this lovely idea on Cookie Magazine's home design blog:

thank you!!

09.12.2008 | Unregistered Commenterjoanna goddard

HI! i just featured your blog on mine. congrats on a wonderful site! I am hooked:)

09.12.2008 | Unregistered Commentersarah jane

You know my Mom would do this with a big sheet of paper on the side of the fridge and when we were in a crabby mood she would get it down and start reading it. What a great idea, I am going to start this!

09.12.2008 | Unregistered CommenterVanessa

Hi Brooke,
What a lovely idea. I usually write these funny things on the calender. This is a great way to keep them all in one place. Last year my six year old said he was going to be a professional breakdancer when he grew up. I'm keeping that one for his 21st :-)
Oh and I love your blog, I'm adding it to my reading list!
(seen on mintdesignblog.com)

09.13.2008 | Unregistered Commenterflowerpress

Love the idea...I found you through Sarah Jane.

I am so happy to find your blog....I loved MS Kids magazine!

I'll be back :)

09.13.2008 | Unregistered Commenteremily

I think this is brilliant. My sister did the same thing.


09.13.2008 | Unregistered CommenterCathe Holden

Found you on Kirtsy. I've had a mason jar sitting on my desk for six months. I aften look at it and think, " why am I keeping that?" Now I know!

09.15.2008 | Unregistered Commenternutmeg

This is such a cute idea- I love it!

09.15.2008 | Unregistered CommenterTara

Hi! Came here via Apartment Therapy (Nursery) because I love to see what people are doing with this concept. I started a spiral bound book a year ago for memorabilia: both physical (ticket stubs) and funny things my daughter says. They are all in the same place now, and I love that.

09.15.2008 | Unregistered Commenterj.j.

I started something similar and love it. Thanks for the beautiful post and inspiration to keep it going.

We sometimes like to draw a piece from the jar at dinner time and have a good chuckle. It's also a fun way to remember family adventures and good times together.

I love your blog already. Made it a definite "Pittstop" for me.

09.15.2008 | Unregistered CommenterMamaBj

Thanks for the idea...I'm starting my own today!!!
My son's four already and I've forgotten too many sweet moments!

09.15.2008 | Unregistered CommenterJaimee

Thank you so much for this wonderfull idea!

09.16.2008 | Unregistered CommenterAgathe

I love your idea. I already write things about my boys on slips of paper - a home for the loose slips of paper would help tremendously!

09.16.2008 | Unregistered CommenterLecia

I *love* this idea, I just think it's genius! I'm going to buy a jar this weekend so we can do this too. Thanks for the inspiration!

09.17.2008 | Unregistered CommenterLiz@VioletPosy

Brilliant and beautiful. I have so many scraps of paper with my son's words. I'm running around collecting them so I can start a jar for my family. Now if I could just figure out a way to capture my baby girl's sweet smiles and preserve them in a jar too...

09.18.2008 | Unregistered CommenterOTJenH

I came by because of Lilly and I am so glad I did.
This idea is brilliant I have twin 2 year sons whose are just starting to talk ... I am starting this tomorrow.
I can't remember much of what my now 15yr said and I won't have much hope rememberign which of my little boys said what to tell their Daddy unless I do.
Awesome blog.

09.22.2008 | Unregistered CommenterTrish

"mom when did you go & seek your fortune?"

09.22.2008 | Unregistered Commenterthyme

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