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a baby shower brunch

Funny story. My sweet friends planned a baby shower for me, a brunch on a Saturday morning. But then I surprised us all by going into labor that Thursday evening, over a month before my due date. When they came to see me at the hospital they insisted we cancel the shower. "No way!" I said, knowing how much work they had already gone to. "The shower is on, I will be there!"

I was due to be released from the hospital Saturday morning at 11 AM. The shower was at 10. "I'm going to need to get discharged early on Saturday," I said to the nurse. "I have a baby shower I need to get to." The nurse looked up at me, "Well you might need to be late for the shower." I replied, "No, see... the shower is for me!" And then all the nurses laughed, and yes, I made it to the shower on time.

It was a lovely morning, in a beautiful setting, with so many of my friends and family. And the food was delicious. So good in fact that I had to contact each person who made something and get the recipe for myself. And of course, I'll share with you (just download this PDF).

The color palette was citrus shades of orange, yellow and a bit of red and green. The sweet invitations were done by my friends over at Blonde Designs (I've edited some information for privacy).

And for favors, my friends made little jars of homemade strawberry jam, which is what JR and I gave out as favors at our wedding. I couldn't believe they had gone to all that work, and the jars looked so pretty sitting out on the table.

I admit I have changed my tune about baby showers. I used to be a strict enforcer of the one-shower-per-person rule. One really great shower for your first baby, and that's it. Friends tried to throw a shower when I had Bee, and I refused, I really hate to be the center of attention. But after struggling for some time to have a baby this go round, I am all about celebrating babies, whether it's your first or your fourth!

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Reader Comments (26)

I tried to get out of a second shower (for my second son!) but my friends ignored me. I was complaining about it to my mom, and she said, "Every child deserves to be celebrated. Their birth order makes them no less special." Once she said that, my perspective completely changed.

08.20.2010 | Unregistered CommenterJules

What a beautiful shower, love the jelly jars, congratulations.

08.20.2010 | Unregistered CommenterNahuatl Vargas

That is my favorite color palette as of late and I've been 'dying' to have a party (of any sort!) with those colors!! I will have to create a reason, right?? And this gives me great ideas- the jars, big orange balloon, recipes, table setting, invites... ALL perfect and lovely. What sweet friends you have!

You are exactly right about showers. How wonderful that you have such great friends.

08.20.2010 | Unregistered CommenterCheryl

here in europe baby showers are not very popular... in Germany we say that only after birth the baby will be celebrated and recieve gifts...
I agree with Jules- every baby is special...does not matter if its the first or (maybe) the last...
Looks like you had a fantastic day and soon we will welcome your new little family addition :)

love from amsterdam

08.21.2010 | Unregistered Commenterpeggy

What amazing friends...it all looks fabulous! Do you happen to know where they got the tablecloths?

08.21.2010 | Unregistered CommenterAunt Spicy

Your shower looks beautiful Brooke, and thank you for the PDF, it is all downloaded and saved!

08.21.2010 | Unregistered CommenterSammi

What nice friends you have, and you are pretty amazing for making it to your own shower shortly after giving birth!

I too would love to know where the tablecloths are from. I love the design.

08.21.2010 | Unregistered CommenterLisa

What a fun shower! I am the same as you, I used to think only a shower for your first baby, maybe a shower for another child IF it's a different sex. Now that I'm onto my 3rd boy in a row, I'd love to have a shower. Something to make it more fun and exciting.

Glad you made it! Such a pretty shower!

08.21.2010 | Unregistered CommenterAndi


08.21.2010 | Unregistered Commenteremily

Several of you have asked about the tablecloths at the shower, they are from Anthropologie.

08.21.2010 | Registered CommenterBrooke

Your friends are awesome! What a lovely shower. Thank you for sharing.

08.21.2010 | Unregistered CommenterColleen

i'm new here... and LOVE your blog!

08.23.2010 | Unregistered Commenterbridget

beautiful! i love the garden theme!

08.23.2010 | Unregistered Commentercasey

Congratulations! The invitation is so sweet simple. How perfect. :)

08.23.2010 | Unregistered CommenterCindy

Fantastic shower...what thoughtful friends!

08.24.2010 | Unregistered CommenterSara

congratulations on your baby..hope all is well! your baby shower decor was beautiful. i love, love, love the homemade strawberry jam favors! so glad you made it to your baby shower!!

How fun and adorable!! What wonderful friends! Congratulations on your baby too. I have never understood the one shower "stigma" - I think it's so lame. If you're having a baby you deserve a shower no matter the number or gender. Every birth is exciting and should be celebrated - your mom is right! And who doesn't love to get together, gab, eat great food, and oooh and ahh over adorable baby things??

08.25.2010 | Unregistered CommenterHeather

Congratulations!! I'll have to file this away as more inspiration for future showers.

08.25.2010 | Unregistered CommenterAutumn

Congratulations! what a pretty shower. Isn't it amazing how after the third baby you are achieving things that after the first baby (for me anyways) were just impossible- forget about leaving the house for a party, I could barely schedule in a shower!

08.25.2010 | Unregistered Commentersusan

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