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name that kid

Last weekend my husband and I were in charge of putting on our church Christmas party. We usually have a family party, with a visit from Santa Claus, but this year we decided to have an adult only sit down dinner. We hoped it would give people a chance to mingle and get to know one another, more so than when we are busy running after our children.

We knew we needed a game of some sort to kind of bring the party together. So we asked everyone to email a Christmas photo from their childhood, and we used a projector to project the pictures on the wall. They were numbered, so everyone had a card numbered 1-50, and you had to write down who you thought each kid was. We laughed at how easy we could recognize certain people because their children look exactly like them when they were kids. A box of Trader Joes peppermint Jo-Jos was our prize for the winner.

I think this would work well for a Christmas party at home, and you wouldn't need a projector. Just have people bring a photo with them in an envelope (so people don't see who brought which photo), then arrange them on a wall or table along with numbers and have everyone write down who they think is who.

We loved seeing so many photos from Christmases past.. sitting on Santa's lap, acting out the nativity, decorating the Christmas tree, leaving cookies for Santa. It made me realize the importance of documenting these moments with my own kids... to help them remember what Christmas was like when they were a kid.

A special thank you to my friends who let me post their photos here!

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Reader Comments (13)

Some friends and I played that game with baby photos at a baby shower.
It was such fun!
Merry Christmas to you! I love to come here and see the beautiful things you make.

12.22.2010 | Unregistered Commenterjess

Fab! I can remember my parents playing this with their friends when I was little and being mystified at the thought of all the adults having been children once.

12.22.2010 | Unregistered CommenterAli

CLASSIC! What fun...

12.23.2010 | Unregistered CommenterPamela

I love this idea. I especially love the idea of an adults only ward party. That would be heavenly.

12.23.2010 | Unregistered Commentermandi

Brilliant idea. Merry Xmas and a wonderful 2011 to you and your gorgeous family. Thank you so much for sharing your inspiring ideas and magical moments. Looking forward to many more moments next year.

12.23.2010 | Unregistered CommenterEngracia

Awesome! As a children's librarian, in the past, right before Summer Reading Club hit, I had each staff member bring in a childhood photo for guessing just like this. My idea was getting everyone thinking about their childhoods and then making the summer for the kids at the library the best they could :)

Merry Christmas! Have a wonderful Week of Quiet xx

12.23.2010 | Unregistered Commentercheryl

I love the Santa in the first picture! So... friendly.

Also love the adults-only party idea! That would be a welcome spin on the chase-our-kids-around fest that is our annual ward tradition. :)

12.23.2010 | Unregistered CommenterLynne

that looks awesome fun :D

12.26.2010 | Unregistered CommenterSammi

GREAT idea! I love it!

12.27.2010 | Unregistered Commenterbecca l.

Oh, I love this! Too cute!

XO ~ Heather
Kids and Cupcakes Blog

12.28.2010 | Unregistered CommenterHeather Sharpe

so fun! thanks for sharing.

12.30.2010 | Unregistered Commenteramy

Yeaaaahhhhh.....!!! It's Really one of the Awesome article i have read it. Thanks for the article.
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