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it's raining, it's pouring

We live in Southern California. Sunny Southern California. And I love it, really I do. But when October comes around and it's still 90 degrees and you've worn flip flops for 8 months in a row, I start to get a little homesick for Fall. Beautiful, crisp, lovely Fall.

When I saw the forecast this week called for rain, I was secretly excited. Rain! And temperatures below 70! I may not have the brisk autumn chill of New York, or the beautiful trees that lined our block in Brooklyn with their orange and yellow leaves... but I do have a little rain. And a reason to wear jeans, and close toed shoes, and maybe even a sweater!

And a three year old so thrilled she can finally fit into her ladybug rain boots that she actually danced her way through the puddles in our backyard all afternoon. Bring on the pumpkins and the apple cider, Fall has arrived!

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Reader Comments (27)

Hehe, it's good to see someone enjoying the rain. :) I wouldnt know what constant sun all week every month would feel like, I live in cold, little norway, but I do love the crispy, sharp and fresh fall. It's the perfect start and preperation for winter, making you want to be outside, yet ready to snuggle up indoors. :) Do you ever get snow over there?

10.16.2009 | Unregistered CommenterMuffin

Your photo is terrific!

Have a great weekend.


sometimes in texas, we wait and wait for fall... until it finally arrives in December. so, i understand your longing. this year however, we're right on target. enjoy the rainy cool days! :)

10.16.2009 | Unregistered CommenterAdrienne

Your last photo just radiates joy.

10.16.2009 | Unregistered CommenterPam

Love those ladybug boots! We've had some rain too, here in West Texas...and I know exactly how you feel. :)

We love rainboots as well, those are adorable. Glad you were able to have some cooler weather.

10.16.2009 | Unregistered CommenterJennifer

As a fellow Southern Californian, I'm wishing for more signs of Fall. Oh well, I'm baking up apple cakes and spice cookies to compensate. Always love your pictures.

10.16.2009 | Unregistered CommenterAutumn

I'm a little bummed we didn't get any rain here in San Diego. I'm missing an occasional rain. But last weekend in Santa Barbara was chilly enough for me!

10.16.2009 | Unregistered CommenterHereBeDragons

That is until today, when it's 90!! Ugh.

10.16.2009 | Unregistered CommenterjustJENN

I'm in OC and it's BOILING outside right now!! We loved the rain earlier this week. Hopefully it'll cool off in time for Halloween.

10.16.2009 | Unregistered CommenterMelinda H.

oh, there really is nothing finer than that first taste of fall!

also, ruth has seen bee's boots and is now making serious demands of her own. i can't hold it against her- she makes them look like the best rainboots on earth.

10.16.2009 | Unregistered Commenterkatie

Tell you what, when we have a constant 3 feet of snow in our yard ALL winter long, I'll gladly send you some!! I'm gearing up for our 2nd winter here in Cleveland.

Cute blog! I came across it in the Parents magazine and when I saw your name Brooke "Hellewell" Reynolds I had to find out if we're related? It's not a very common name, I was Karie Hellewell and I'm from Idaho.

Hope to hear from you!

10.16.2009 | Unregistered CommenterKarie

Looks like I spoke too soon. Yesterday it was in the high 80's again.. Oh, well! Those two days of Fall were lovely.

10.17.2009 | Registered CommenterBrooke

I'm wishing for the opposite! I have been waiting for the rain to stop so that I can mow my grass. It's ridiculously long but there hasn't been a dry day for over a week. I guess the grass is always greener..... :) Enjoy your closed toe'd shoes and the gumboot fun.

10.18.2009 | Unregistered CommenterAbbe

I love the pictures! I totally understand about the weather. I went to see my parents in CA this weekend, and I was missing the Utah fall weather and colors. Have fun in the rain!

10.18.2009 | Unregistered CommenterAndi

I always like your photos! Good to enjoy the weather no matter where we are!
Dreary and cold here in NYC. A good day to bake and make soup.

10.18.2009 | Unregistered CommenterRae

Lovely photos! I know what you mean about longing for a proper fall. I grew up in Yorkshire in the North of England and now live in the south of France. We're just starting to feel a chill in the air, the leaves are turning too but the summer seems incredibly long and I love four distinct seasons. Wouldn't mind a pair of those wellies!


10.18.2009 | Unregistered Commenterdeb

I totally get this!! I live in Eastern WA, but I grew up near Seattle, so I love rain!! In fact, my last blog post is a lot like this one! :o)

10.18.2009 | Unregistered CommenterDisney

so cute! we live in the bay area and the rain storm was welcomed with open arms by me and my two boys. i love any excuse to bust out my wellies!

10.18.2009 | Unregistered Commenterjackie

i understand completely too. I'm in Brisbane, Australia. Grew up in the southern states where it is colder and autumn is a true autumn full of colour and freshness.

here in bris, it is hot from October 'til April. That is 6 months! very uninspiring and I get so sick of the heat and summer clothes. I'm extremely jealous of people who get to live in a Autumn where you crunch colourful leaves, wearing homemade knits and being outside in the cool air before winter hits and it is unbearably cold.

10.19.2009 | Unregistered Commentertiel

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