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color story #2

I'm not so into pink, never have been. So when I had my little girl Bee, I found myself wading through a sea of pink.. clothing, bedding, toys, everything seemed to be pink, pink, pink! And not a nice sweet pink either, but that bright bubble gum type of pink. The shade of pink Miss Piggy would love. 

Now that Bee is almost 3, I'm starting to like pink..  a little. In small doses, and paired with other colors I love. Like a nice bright springy green. Now that is a color combination I can get on board with. Even if I have to make the clothes myself!

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Reader Comments (12)

Beautiful swatches -- love em. I have that issue, too -- it's the worst trying to find coats and shoes, unless you want to spend more than you know you should.

10.11.2008 | Unregistered Commenteramanda

Ooh, I especially like the pink one in the center left. Cute combo!

10.13.2008 | Unregistered CommenterAndi

Bee is not alone I LOVE pink to! Cute swatches Aunt Brooke. I really like the one in the middle.

salmon/coral pinks are the best.

10.13.2008 | Unregistered Commentermer

I love these swatches. Getting ready to decorate a Nursery.
Where can I find some of these fabrics.


10.14.2008 | Unregistered CommenterAmy Levine

Hi Amy,
I bought all of these at purlsoho.com, some are older, so they may be discontinued.. but the pink pinstripe is from the Swell collection and the greens are from Joelle Hoverson's fabric line.
Good luck on the nursery!

10.14.2008 | Unregistered Commenterbrooke

I struggled to embrace my inner pink-ish-ness until I discovered a quilt called Flush of Spring in the book Successful Scrap Quilts. Now I have a little Flush of Spring box brimming with pink + green scraps. (I only need 1052 tiny rectangles in all....)

01.8.2009 | Unregistered Commentergina

I {love} this color story! What beautiful patterns and colors, I'm going to list it in my inspiration file. Thanks so much for sharing! (and btw, I felt the EXACT same way about pink until my daughter was born, too!)

01.8.2009 | Unregistered CommenterShaela

I must know what that center pink floral fabric is - where can I find it?


01.8.2009 | Unregistered CommenterAndrea Mette

I was wondering if anyone knew where you can still purchase all these fabrics. They are so Spring!


01.9.2009 | Unregistered CommenterLeslie

useful post


nice post

05.20.2019 | Unregistered Commenterzkpromakeup

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