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this week's library book

Bye Bye Baby by Janet and Allan Ahlberg tells the story of a little baby with no mommy. "He fed himself and bathed himself. He even changed his own diaper." One day the baby realizes "I am too young to be doing this! I need a mommy!"

He sets off to find a mommy. "Will you be my mommy?" he asks whomever he finds (including a teddy bear, a horse, a kitty cat, a wind up chicken, and a nice old uncle). But none of them can be his mommy.

Finally, he meets a nice lady pushing a baby carriage. "I am a little baby with no mommy" he cries. "There's a coincidence," says the lady. "I am a mommy with no little baby!"  And she takes him home and gives him a warm bath and feeds him cookies and tea.

After a while, the baby realizes he doesn't have a daddy. He sets off once again until he finds a nice farmer and asks if he will be his daddy. And of course he says "Yes!".

Note: I am new to the work of the Ahlbergs, but they have written quite a few lovely little books including The Jolly Postman; Each Peach, Pear, Plum; and The Runaway Dinner .

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Reader Comments (24)

My absolute favorite book growing up was, Burglar Bill, you MUST check that one out!

04.29.2009 | Unregistered CommenterPosy Quarterman
12.21.2021 | Unregistered Commentermarizell
12.21.2021 | Unregistered Commentermarizell
12.21.2021 | Unregistered Commentermarizell

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