easter outfits
Brooke in family, holidays, kids, sewing

Last year I made my first Easter dress for Bee. It was the Tea Party dress from Oliver + S, which turned out rather sweet, but I felt badly that I didn't make anything for my son C. This year I decided to try the Birthday Party dress, which Liesl assured me I could handle despite it's perfect pleats and five (!) buttonholes.

I made the dress out of linen, which proved a little shifty, but I love it nonetheless. Bee is a very active three year old, so there really is no hope of keeping it wrinkle free for long, but lucky for me, it looks just as cute rumpled. And Liesl was right, although the construction of this dress is a more complicated than anything I've made before, if you just follow the directions carefully, it will all work out in the end.

But what to make for C? The plan came together when I saw Molly's tie pattern on the Purl Bee. Perfect for a brother-sister duo. Matching, but subtle. Sweet, but not too sweet.

I didn't realize the tie is mostly hand-sewn, and it was fun to make. You can easily finish a tie in one sitting, and I get a weird sense of satisfaction sitting down on the couch with my needle and thread, stitching each little stitch one at a time.

I don't know how many more years I can coordinate their outfits. C is going to start having opinions about his clothes at some point. But I'm sure going to try and keep this up for at least a couple more years.. The pictures alone are priceless.

Article originally appeared on inchmark (http://inchmark.squarespace.com/).
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