my christmas list
Brooke in JR, gifts, holidays

Every year I have a hard time coming up with a Christmas list. My mom always asks me for a few suggestions and I can never seem to find that perfect thing I wouldn't buy for myself. This year I tried something new. I've started a new folder on my computer desktop marked "wishlist" and whenever I see something I'd really like, I take a screenshot of it and throw it into my wishlist folder. When it's time for holiday shopping, or my birthday is coming up, I can easily click through the items in my wishlist folder and make a list of things I really would be thrilled to receive.

Even better, my husband knows about my wishlist folder, and he can hop on my computer anytime to see what I might like to see under the Christmas tree. I try and have lots of items in there so it's still quite a surprise to see what he might choose. I thought I'd share a few things that are in my folder this Christmas... I'm highly doubtful that a new couch will arrive in time for Christmas, but hey, it's called a wishlist for a reason!

Top row: this beautiful font, this lovely tote bag

2nd row: these sweet bento boxes, some of this beautiful fabric

3rd row: this couch, some Japanese masking tape

Bottom row: this breadmaking book, this coloring pad for the kids, this beauty from Paul Rand

For more gift suggestions, visit the bloggers wishlist over at design*sponge, I listed a few other things I'll be giving and receiving this year.

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